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What's New

Custom Lists

Custom lists are designed to help you keep track of information that is not time sensitive. They are similar to forms, but have no required date field and are kept separate from forms.

Monitor relevant contacts, equipment, and anything else that you might need to track with your project. As always, you can configure any field yourself, and manage list items in the new Project panel: Lists.

FIeldshare - Lists functionality

Add new custom lists by going to Settings - Templates - Project Templates.  Choose a template.  Scroll down to Project Custom List and click on "Add Custom List".   Then drag and drop fields you wish to track.

Fieldshare - working with Lists

Lists Dashboard

There is also a new Dashboard View for lists exclusively. Here you can view all your list entries for a chosen list. To switch between different lists, use a "List Name" drop down.

If you want to narrow your search, you can apply filters as usual. Otherwise, you might go to an Individual Project View to see lists and list entries for a single project. ​

Fieldshare List Dashboard
