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Create Project Tasks

Every project in Fieldshare contains a task list, and tools for creating, assigning and managing tasks. Click Tasks in the project navigation bar on the left to open the Tasks section. This displays a list of tasks for the project, who the task is assigned to, a status icon (Open, In Progress, or Complete), whether a task has comments (speech bubble), whether a task is waiting on another task (blue hourglass symbol), and the task's due date. You can hover on the status icon on each task on the list to display a list of statuses that you can change to. Click on a task to view or edit its details, or change its status.

Creating Tasks

Click “Add a task” at the top of the project tasks list. Type in the name of the new task, and other details that you need (such as assigning to a user, or setting a due date).  Then click “Save” to add the new task.

When assigning tasks, you can choose any user in your company who has access to the project, or any collaborating user at another company who has access.

When you assign a task to someone, update or delete an existing task, or comment on a task, the assignee will always be notified by email.


Task Workflow

Often, a task should not start before another task (also called a dependent task) has been finished. It is these dependencies that drive your project’s schedule.

You can set up these dependent tasks by going into a Task's details and clicking on either the “Waiting on” or “Next Task(s)” buttons. This will present you with a list of available task to link. Simply cilck on the task you want to add the link. You can always remove a linked task by clicking “X” beside each task. You can also add new tasks by clicking on “Add New Task” from the dropdown list.

Once this link setup, when all tasks in the “Waiting On” list are complete, the current task's assignee and creator will be notified.


As work happens on tasks, you can add comments to track progress and communicate with colleagues. Click on a task, then click in the comment box to enter text, and click Comment. You can also edit or delete your comments on tasks, by hovering your cursor over the task and using the blue action menu.

Your Tasks

Click Tasks in the light-coloured navigation bar at the top left to see all upcoming tasks assigned to you from all your Fieldshare projects. The total number of active tasks (Open or In Progress) will be displayed in blue, or the total number of overdue tasks will be displayed in red.

The Dashboard also lists the next upcoming task beside each project in the Project List.