TORC Oil & Gas Ltd is an intermediate producer that specializes in high quality light oil opportunities in the Western Canadian sedimentary basin. With a portfolio of both development assets and light oil, cost-effective operational excellence has been central to the company’s success. TORC’s 2015 production average was over 18,000 boepd
TORC had no reporting capability that provided an overall view of project status, just well lists and columns of field data in the master spreadsheet. Moreover, adding projects or bringing new consultants on board was too burdensome. This messy process was frustrating and caused low morale.
HSE Manager Jim Gordon and his team reviewed several GIS and project management options, and found Fieldshare’s combination of map, project and communication tools was just right for their needs. Now everyone in the HSE Department retrieves project data whenever they need it, without Jim having to distribute anything manually.
TORC discovered that Fieldshare’s Project Relationship Management software cut time spent on data management by 70%. Where previously a request for information might require weeks of work and data coordination, Fieldshare now provides a platform that’s ready when needed to produce actionable insights.
Before Fieldshare, tracking information such as project budgets and costs was a time-consuming process, often with multiple methods to track and report the same information. Jim explains,
“We were relying on a master spreadsheet, as well as a separate cost-tracking system, and it took a lot of time to pull all that information together and update it constantly. It was a burdensome process to add new projects, or to bring consultants onboard and get them up to speed.”
“There was a long back-and-forth process with consultants, making it clear what was needed and ensuring the right information was provided. I was using lots of emails just to communicate the basics and move information. I had nothing to give an overall picture either, just well lists and columns of field information in the master spreadsheet. I’d get queries, both internally and externally, to slice and dice our projects into certain status groups, or to see all the liabilities in a specific geographic area.” Jim began searching for a new way to manage his department’s data as well as the consultants they employed.
Fieldshare means quick data input and quick data retrieval. It gives me the tools I need to monitor everything and drive KPIs
Jim Gordan, TORC Oil & Gas
Jim discovers FIeldshare is an affordable combination of GIS features and project coordination tools. Navigating TORC’s entire portfolio of projects through a map-based interface has been a significant benefit to Jim, it allows him to assess projects in ways not possible before.
“I knew GIS had huge value, but the breakthrough was getting those capabilities in a cost-effective, easy-to-use format. That combination, and being able to deploy and get started without major technical training, made Fieldshare an easy sell.”
The HSE Department had concerns about migrating their large data files to the Fieldshare platform, but they were pleasantly surprised by how smooth the process was. Jim describes his experience, “I looked at what was really important, and did an upload of the main data fields right away. That didn’t take long, maybe a few days, and then the projects were there and ready to work on.” During this process, Jim and his team configured Fieldshare to provide the custom experience they were seeking. FIeldshare even arranged some early training sessions for TORC’s consultants, and they’ve never looked back.
“Full productivity achieved in only two weeks”
FIeldshare allows Jim to invite contractors, consultants and suppliers to collaborate on projects without any additional cost or setup. Independent consultants with multiple data-reporting formats are no longer an issue. By collaborating with them in Fieldshare, information is delivered in a single TORC-compliant format, eliminating the hassle of converting project data to the company standard format.
“Having a map-based system is great, because everything starts visually and you can quickly see what’s going on, who’s working in different areas, and filter or drill down into information from there.” Fieldshare is a 360-degree solution for both internal and external teams who work field projects.
“Start visually and quickly see what’s going on”